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Choose us for reliable service and unmatched quality
Established in 1999, BME Services (Pvt) Ltd. is one of the leading Building Service providers in Sri Lanka. The founders of BME being qualified professionals with high expertise BME achieved a steady growth during the journey of last 25 years. We provided complete solutions including design, supply, installation & testing & commissioning for Building Services such as Centralized LP Gas Supply System & Gas leak Detection System, Fire Protection & Detection System, Medical Gas Supply System, Plumbing System, Public Address (PA) System, Piped Music & Sound System and all other ELV Systems. Other than Building Services we are providing interior solutions for auditoriums which includes design & installation of Acoustic Wall & Ceiling System, Auditorium Sound System, Auditorium & Stage Lighting System, Auditorium Chairs, Stage Curtain System & Multi Media Projection System etc. We are a strong team who develops continuously. With our expertise & experience we provide innovative, cost effective & value-added Building Services solutions with multiple benefits to our Clients. With our highly skilled & trained technical team we are capable of undertaking any type of large & complex buildings to provide our services. We also undertake maintenance works of Building Services in any type of building. Ensure the Quality & the Safety is our primary focus & we always adhere to all major international Standards such as BS, ASTM, EN, ISO, NFPA & HTM2022. We will continue to think & design today for tomorrow while moving way forward.